June / July / August 2023

Our Mission
Civicate was designed by a student to make sure all students have a good understanding of our government so they can better engage as citizens. The short videos are designed to be viewed easily on any device. The content is non-partisan and freely accessible. Civicate will never try to sell you anything, and its purpose is purely educational and inspirational.
The more you know about how government works, the easier it will be for you to make a difference in our country. If you want to have a voice, make your views known, and have a role in making things better, it’s good to have a strong understanding of our American democracy. Our videos and resources make it easy and fun to learn.


Our Generation Must Be Politically and Civically Educated.

Our generation has started and contributed to many conversations that will affect us, such as gun violence, women's rights, climate change, animal rights, and systemic racism.

We already have a strong political voice through social media and rallies. What happens when we start voting? Let's get educated on our political and governmental systems as well as candidates and issues.

Mandatory civics education has been cut from many school curriculums, especially in public schools. If we don't know how the system works, we won't have a strong voice.